Push Feedback to GitHub Student Repos

The the final step in the abc-classroom workflow is pushing feedback from the instructor to the students through their GitHub repositories for the assignment. Running:

abc-feedback assignment-name
  1. iterates through students in the roster

  2. copies files from course_materials/feedback/student/assignment-name directory into student’s cloned repository located here: cloned_dir/assignment-student directory.

If you want to also push the feedback reports to the student repository on GitHub (using git push) use the --github option (see below).:

abc-feedback assignment-name --githhub

Note that when you use the --github flag, the files are added to the repo as a direct comment (not a pull request). So you will want to tell the students to check their repo after pushing out the feedback files.

By default abc-feedback only copies the files to each cloned student repo, and commits the changes in your local directory. It only pushes to github if you use the --github flag.

Remove Hidden Tests in Html Files

If you are using nbgrader to create your feedback reports, all of the hidden tests (which will likely include the assignment answers) will be included in the default feedback report. Nbgrader relies on a database where all comments and grades are stored. If you wish to remove the hidden tests from your output html files, you can use the --scrub argument. Scrub will remove all code as follows:

# code here will be removed
a = "this code will be scrubbed"

You can use the scrub comment as follows:

abc-feedback assignment-name --scrub

Command-line Arguments

Run abc-feedback -h to see details of command line parameters:

$ abc-feedback -h
usage: abc-feedback [-h] [--github] [--scrub] assignment-name

Copies feedback reports to local student repositories and (optionally) pushes to github. Assumes files
are in the directory course_materials/feedback/student/assignment. Copies all files in the source

positional arguments:
  assignment  Name of assignment. Must match name in course_materials feedback directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --github    Also pushes files to student repositories on GitHub (default = False; only copies files to
              local repos)
  --scrub     Cleans out hidden tests from notebooks when used.