Source code for abcclassroom.auth


# Methods for setting up authorization to the GitHub API. See
# for methods that use the API.

import requests

import os.path as op
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from .utils import get_request

[docs]def get_github_auth(): """ Check to see if there is an existing github authentication and load the authentication. Returns ------- ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedMap Yaml object that contains the token and id for a github session. If yaml doesn't exists, return an empty dictionary. """ yaml = YAML() try: with open(op.expanduser("~/.abc-classroom.tokens.yml")) as f: config = yaml.load(f) return config["github"] except FileNotFoundError: return {}
[docs]def set_github_auth(auth_info): """ Set the github authentication information. Put the token and id authentication information into a yaml file if it doesn't already exist. Parameters ---------- auth_info : dictionary The token and id authentication information from github stored in a dictionary object. """ yaml = YAML() config = {} if get_github_auth(): with open(op.expanduser("~/.abc-classroom.tokens.yml")) as f: config = yaml.load(f) config["github"] = auth_info with open(op.expanduser("~/.abc-classroom.tokens.yml"), "w") as f: yaml.dump(config, f)
[docs]def check_or_generate_token(): """Check that a valid access token exists for the GitHub API and generates if one does not exist. First tries local token file for valid token. If token does not exist or is not valid, generates a new one. """ # TODO: this needs error handling. # do we have a saved and valid token? if not _check_local_token(): # if not, generate a new one _generate_new_token()
def _check_local_token(): """Checks that there is an access token in the local tokens file and if so, checks if the token is valid against the GitHub API.""" valid_token_exists = False auth_info = get_github_auth() if auth_info: try: access_token = auth_info["access_token"] # if so, is it valid? user = _get_authenticated_user(access_token) if user is not None: print( "Access token is present and valid; successfully " "authenticated as user {}".format(user) ) valid_token_exists = True except KeyError: # no access token in the file, so we leave valid_token_exists # as False and continue on pass return valid_token_exists def _generate_new_token(): """Generates a new GitHub API access token using the OAuth Device Flow. identifying-and-authorizing-users-for-github-apps#device-flow Saves token to local token file. """ print("Generating new access token") # client id for the abc-classroom-bot GitHub App client_id = "Iv1.8df72ad9560c774c" # TODO need to handle cases where the device call fails - wrong client_id, # the user could ^C or the internet could be out, or some other # unanticipated woe) device_code = _get_login_code(client_id) access_token = _poll_for_status(client_id, device_code) # test the new access token user = _get_authenticated_user(access_token) if user is not None: print("""Successfully authenticated as user {}""".format(user)) # save the token to the local tokens file set_github_auth({"access_token": access_token}) def _get_authenticated_user(token): """Test the validity of an access token by making an API call to get the authenticated user. Parameters ---------- token : string A string to try as a GitHub access token Returns ------- username : string The GitHub username of the authenticated user if token valid, otherwise returns None. """ url = "" (status, body) = get_request(url, token) try: user = body["login"] return user except KeyError: return None def _get_login_code(client_id): """Prompts the user to authorize abc-classroom-bot. First part of the Device Flow workflow. Asks user to visit a URL and enter the provided code. Waits for user to hit RETURN to continue. Returns the device code. Parameters ---------- client_id : str String representing the ID for the abc-classroom bot. Returns ------- device_code : str The device code for the response. """ # make the device call header = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"} payload = {"client_id": client_id} link = "" r =, headers=header, json=payload) # process the response data = r.json() status = r.status_code if status != 200: # print the response if the call failed print(r.json()) return None device_code = data["device_code"] uri = data["verification_uri"] user_code = data["user_code"] # prompt the user to enter the code print( "To authorize this app, go to {} and enter the code {}".format( uri, user_code ) ) input("\nPress RETURN to continue after inputting the code successfully") return device_code def _poll_for_status(client_id, device_code): """Polls API to see if user entered the device code This is the second step of the device flow. Returns an access token. Parameters ---------- client_id : str A string representing the client code for the abc-classroom bot. device_code : str The device code returned from the API for the user's machine / device. Returns ------- Access token provided by GitHub. """ header = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"} payload = { "client_id": client_id, "device_code": device_code, "grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code", } r = "", headers=header, json=payload, ) data = r.json() access_token = data["access_token"] return access_token