Source code for abcclassroom.quickstart



import os
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy, copytree, rmtree
from . import config as cf
from abcclassroom import __file__

[docs]def path_to_example(dataset): """ Construct a file path to an example dataset, assuming the dataset is contained in the 'example-data' directory of the abc-classroom package. Adapted from the PySAL package. Parameters ---------- dataset: string Name of a dataset to access (e.g., "config.yml") Returns ------- Path object A concrete Path object to the dataset """ abcclassroom_path = Path(__file__).parent dataset_path = Path(abcclassroom_path, "example-data", dataset) if not dataset_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(dataset_path) return dataset_path
[docs]def create_dir_struct(course_name="abc_course", force=False, working_dir=None): """ Create a directory structure that can be used to start an abc-classroom course. This includes a main directory, two sub directories for templates and cloned files, and a start to a configuration file. This is the implementation of the abc-quickstart script; it is called directly from main. """ # Make sure the sample configuration file is where it's supposed to be. try: config_path = path_to_example("config.yml") except FileNotFoundError as err: print( """Sample config.yml configuration file cannot be located at {}, please ensure abc-classroom has been installed correctly""".format( err ) ) # Assign the custom folder name if applicable if " " in course_name: raise ValueError( """Spaces not allowed in custom course name: {}. Please use hyphens instead.""".format( course_name ) ) if working_dir is None: working_dir = os.getcwd() main_dir = Path(working_dir, course_name) # Check if the main_dir exists if main_dir.is_dir(): if force: rmtree(main_dir) else: raise FileExistsError( """ Ooops! It looks like the directory {} already exists in this directory. You might have already run quickstart here. Consider using a different course name, deleting the existing directory, or running quickstart with the -f flag to force overwrite the existing directory.""".format( main_dir ) ) # Make the main course directory and copy the config file there main_dir.mkdir() copy(config_path, main_dir) # Use config functions to read / write config # We already have the file in the right place, but we need to # re-write the config so that is has the right course directory config = cf.get_config(main_dir) config["course_directory"] = str(main_dir) cf.write_config(config, main_dir) clone_dir = cf.get_config_option(config, "clone_dir") template_dir = cf.get_config_option(config, "template_dir") # Make the required subdirectories Path(main_dir, clone_dir).mkdir() Path(main_dir, template_dir).mkdir() # Create the extra_files directory in the main_dir & copy files extra_path = path_to_example("extra_files") copytree(extra_path, Path(main_dir, "extra_files")) # Copy the sample roster over to the new quickstart dir # TODO make sure the name of this file matches the default config name try: classroom_roster = path_to_example("classroom_roster.csv") copy(classroom_roster, Path(main_dir)) except FileNotFoundError as err: print( """Sample config.yml configuration file cannot be located at {}, please ensure abc-classroom has been installed correctly""".format( err ) ) print( """ Created new abc-classroom directory structure at: '{}', including a configuration file, directories for template repos and cloned repositories, and a directory for extra files needed for all assignments. To proceed, please create / move your course roster and course materials directory into '{}' and check the settings in the config file, 'config.yml'.""".format( main_dir, course_name ) )