Create A New Assignment Template GitHub Repository

A template assignment GitHub repo is what is used to create repositories for each student in GitHub Classroom. This repo should have all of the files that the students need to complete their assignment. These files may include:

  • A Jupyter Notebook (or rMarkdown file).

  • Any images required to load in the notebook

  • any other files that you want to distribute through GitHub

Once you have your assignment ready to share with students on GitHub Classroom, you can create a template GitHub repository. This is the repository that GitHub Classroom will use to share the assignment repo with each student in your class. To create a new assignment template, do the following:

  1. Make sure that all required assignment files are in the course_materials/release/assignment_name directory.

  2. Make sure that all general files such as a or a .gitignore file are located in the extra_files directory.

When you create a template abc-classroom will:

  1. Copy specific for this assignment from course_materials/release/assignment_name to template_repos/assignment_name.

  2. Copy any files that you want to have in all assignment repos to non-specific assignment files from extra_files to template_repos/assignment_name.

  3. Setting up template_repos/assignment_name as a git repository.

  4. Pushing the template repository to your GitHub Classroom organization.

Then, on GitHub classroom, you link the assignment to the template git repo, which contains all of the files that a student will need to complete the assignment.

The abc-new-template and abc-update-template scripts allow you to create and update template repositories.

How To Create and Update Template Repositories

There are two template scripts or commands that you can use

  1. abc-new-template: Use this for creating the initial template repository When used with the optional –github flag, you can push to GitHub after files are updated.

  2. abc-update-template: Quickly update your template repo and push to GitHub . No flag is needed to push to GitHub .


abc-update-template is a convenience function - both scripts call the same code, but with different default parameters (i.e. you can replicate the behavior of ‘update’ by choosing the parameters of ‘new’).

Make sure you have updated your config.yml before running the template scripts. See the Configuration section below for details.

Create a New Template Repository

To create a GitHub Classroom homework assignment template repository:

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the course directory that you created using abc-quickstart (TODO: add link to quickstart page).

  2. To create a new git repo containing the assignment template called assignment1 run:

    abc-new-template assignment1

abc-new-template will then perform the following steps:

  • get the name of the template_dir directory from the config file

  • create a local directory in template_dir called assignment1-template and initialize as a git repository

  • copy files from the course_materials/release/assignment1 directory

  • create any extra files in the directory specified in your config.yml file.

  • git add and git commit the local files

If you want to push the assignment1 template repo to GitHub, in addition to the steps outlined above, run:

abc-new-template assignment1 --github

If you have already created the template directory, you will need to use the --mode merge or --mode delete options to ensure the existing template is either 1) deleted if you want to start over OR 2) merged or updated to reflect changes to files. The command to merge would look like:

abc-new-template assignment1 --mode merge --github

Extra Files: Readme and other Template Files

GitHub repos normally have a and a .gitignore file. The file provides a user with an overview of the repository. The .gitignore specifies files that should never be committed to git history. One example of such a file is a Jupyter Notebook .ipynb_checkpoints file. This is a file that you may never want to be committed to git but that will always by in a directory where you are working on a Jupyter Notebook. By default, abc-classroom provides a standard and .gitignore file that can be found in the extra_files directory that is created when you create a new class with abc-classroom. You can look at the default content contained within those files, on GitHub, here:

  • To customize the file, you can edit the file within the extra_files directory.

  • To customize the .gitignore file, edit that file within the extra_files directory.

You can also add any files that you wish to that directory such as images, text files, etc. Any files within the extra_files directory will be added to a new template repository upon creating or updating a new assignment.

A few notes about how this works:

  • Extra files will NOT be updated for older assignments when you create or update a new template. Only that new template will have the newest files.

  • Abc-classroom will add the assignment name to the top of the readme file.

Text Editors and Git Commit Messages

The default commit message used when you run abc-new-template <assignment-name> is “Initial commit”. For abc-update-template the default message is “Updating assignment”.

If you want to provide a custom commit message, use the --commit-message flag with either script, and provide a message after the flag, e.g.:

abc-update-template assignment1 --commit-message "adding new notebook"

Command Line Options

Run abc-new-template -h to see the options. The output is reproduced below:

usage: abc-new-template [-h] [--custom-message] [--github]
                        [--mode {delete,fail,merge}]

Create a new assignment template repository: creates local directory, copy /
create required files, intialize as git repo, and (optionally) create remote
repo on GitHub and push local repo to GitHub. Will open git editor to ask for
commit message if custom message requested.

positional arguments:
  assignment            Name of assignment. Must match name in course_materials
                        release directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --commit-message      Provide a custom commit message for git (if not set, uses
                        default message 'Initial commit').
  --github              Also perform the GitHub operations (create remote repo
                        on GitHub and push to remote (by default, only does
                        local repository setup).
  --mode {delete,fail,merge}
                        Action if template directory already exists. Choices
                        are: delete = delete contents before proceeding
                        (except .git directory); merge = keep existing dir,
                        overwrite existing files, add new files (Default =

Updating an Existing Template Repository

To update an existing template repository (for example, if you change assignment files and want to push new versions to GitHub), use the abc-update-template scripts. Assuming that template_dir/assignment1-template exists:

abc-update-template assignment1


  • copy any files in course_materials/release/assignment1 to template_dir/assignment1-template (overwriting any existing files with the same name; use the -delete mode if you want to erase the existing template before starting)

  • git add and git commit the changes

  • git push the changes to GitHub

Command line arguments

Run abc-update_template -h to see the command line arguments. The output is reproduced here:

usage: abc-update-template [-h] [--mode {delete,merge}] assignment

Updates an existing assignment template repository: update / add new and
changed files, then push local changes to GitHub. Will open git editor to ask
for commit message.

positional arguments:
  assignment            Name of assignment. Must match name in course_materials
                        release directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --commit-message      Provide a custom commit message for git (if not set, uses
                        default message 'Updating assignment').
  --mode {delete,merge}
                        What to do with existing contents of template
                        directory. Choices are: delete = remove contents
                        before proceeding (leaving .git directory); merge =
                        overwrite existing files add new files (Default =

Configuration Settings

Creating an assignment uses these settings from config.yml:

  • template_dir : the directory where the local git repository will be created.

  • organization : the GitHub organization where the new remote repository will be created

  • course_materials : the path to the local directory where you are storing course materials (the top-level nbgrader dir if you are using nbgrader).

  • extra_files : (optional) Any extra files that you want to add to the repo, such as .gitignore or README